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Get to Know Me Questions List – Your Perfect Guide

Get to Know Me Questions List – Your Perfect Guide

Updated on Jul 01, 2022

Reviewed by Julianne Cantarella, MSW, LSW , Certified Relationship Coach

Get to Know Me Questions List

You probably have already encountered the ‘get to know me questions’ tag in social media. If not, trust me it is worthy in everyday life stances too. How? Well, remember the last time you met that cute stranger? Yes, you wanted to start a conversation to know the person but failed utterly. And this is a common picture. 

Often, we want to know a person. But face that same dilemma – the lack of perfect prompts. Actually, it’s an art to craft the ideal one. And you can master it quite well! All you need is this ‘Questions About Me’ master guide. This lets you know what to ask when you want to know about a fellow.

500 Get to Know Me Questions  Questions About Me - Your Complete List
500 Get to Know Me Questions Questions About Me – Your Complete List

So, let’s dig into it!

What is The ‘Get to Know Me Tag Questions’?

It is a popular social media tag or challenge by which one can share his/her personal life with the audience. Hence, it allows the audience to ask you various questions to have an insight into your life. Also, this makes it quite fun and trendy. 

Now, the question is –

How is ‘Get to Know Me Questions’ anyway relevant in the real world?

Well, ‘get to know me questions’ or ‘All About Me Questions’ let you get what kind of questions you can ask someone. So, you don’t get overwhelmed or have a ‘blank slate’ moment. Hence, when you want to have a glimpse of someone’s life, you know how to frame it. That’s it. 

Thus, from now on, don’t fumble or talk about the weather when you want to step further. Hence, here you have a compiled list of ‘get to know me questions’ under various heads. So, choose the right ones at the right time, depending upon your comfort and the situation. Here we go!

500 Get to Know Me Questions

‘It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.’

Eugene Jonesco

So, let’s find the right questions for various moods and stances that you and the person may get into. Indeed, the headings will guide you. 

Likes and Dislikes Get to Know Me Questions

Likes and Dislikes
Likes and Dislikes

So you met that person but with your brittle words, don’t know how to proceed. In that case, likes and dislikes questions never go otherwise. No doubt, it’s a perfect ice breaker

Also, as the experts suggest, asking someone about their likes and dislikes gives a glimpse of his/her general perspective for life. Besides, you can understand if you share something in common with the person or not. Let’s see the questions!

  1. What is your favorite hobby or hobbies? Why so?
  2. Do you like cold drinks or hot beverages?
  3. What is your favorite tv show or web series?
  4. Do you prefer soft drinks or alcoholic drinks?
  5. What is the food you can eat anytime?
  6. Which season do you enjoy most? Why so?
  7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  8. What was your favorite subject in high school?
  9. Are you more an extrovert or an introvert? Or do you fit in the definition of an ambivert? 
  10. What is your favorite music or song? Do you have any memory related to it?
  11. How do you like to spend your weekends and holidays?
  12. What is your favorite cuisine? Do you know how to cook this food?
  13. What is the most boring activity according to you?
  14. Are you more into books or video games?
  15. What is your most comfy sleeping position?
  16. Who is your favorite celebrity? What makes you admire him/her?
  17. Which book or movie is your favorite? How did you feel reading (or watching) it?
  18. Is there something that you can’t live without?
  19. What is your favorite color? 
  20. What is your favorite outfit? Is it because of comfort or looks?

‘Personal’ All About Me Questions

Personal Get to Know Me Questions
Personal Get to Know Me Questions

Started a conversation but don’t know how to carry it to the person’s inner self? A great way is – touch their personal sphere. Psychologists say that asking questions about close relationships, childhood, etc. make others share their personal life effortlessly. You can carry it like this –

  1. What is your nickname?
  2. How many siblings do you have?
  3. Where do you belong? That is, where is your hometown?
  4. Are you more like your father or your mother? Based on which traits or features do you believe so?
  5. What is your best habit?
  6. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone?
  7. What is the most expensive thing you ever bought for yourself?
  8. Do you keep a gratitude journal?
  9. Are you more organized or messy?
  10. Who is your favorite person? Why do you like him or her?
  11. Are you religious/spiritual or an atheist?
  12. What is your cutest childhood memory?
  13. Are you close to your family or any particular family member?
  14. What is your weirdest trait or habit?
  15. Would you be rather a rich person or a happy one?
  16. How did you spend your first income?
  17. What are your best personality traits?
  18. How do you define the term family? Do you find it worthy now?
  19. What is your most loving family memory?
  20. Are you a pampered child? How were you brought up?

Funny Get to Know Me Questions 

Funny Get to Know Me Questions
Funny Get to Know Me Questions 

Now, when you have started it, it is obvious to try to sync your comfort zone. And what can be more apt than sharing laughter for this? These funny cum weird questions make things lighter between you. This lets you know the crazy side of the person. So, give these a try!

  1. If you were an ice cream, which one would it be? Why this?
  2. What is your most embarrassing memory?
  3. How do you see your childhood wishlists today? Do you still have anything in common?
  4. Which fictional character would you like to be if possible? Why?
  5. How would you rate your sense of humor?
  6. What is your weirdest wish in life? Do you believe it will get fulfilled?
  7. If you were a food, would it be spicy or sweet?
  8. Have you ever done any mischief? What was it?
  9. What is the funniest thing you saw recently?
  10. Are you innocent or mischievous?
  11. Who is the most mysterious person you ever met?
  12. Have you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time? When was it?
  13. What is the weirdest compliment you ever got? How did you feel receiving it?
  14. How would you feel if you get up being of the opposite gender?
  15. Who is your secret crush?
  16. What is your most dirty habit?
  17. If you get a chance to lead someone else’s life, who would it be?
  18. What is your favorite meme or joke?
  19. Have you ever been too drunk to manage your consciousness?
  20. Would you have good food over good clothes or vice versa?

Career Questions About Me 

Career Questions About Me
Career Questions About Me 

A major part of someone’s life is taken by their career. So, knowing their perspectives towards their professional life is crucial while trying to know the person. Besides, this can lead you to a more productive chat!

  1. What is your dream job?
  2. What is your biggest accomplishment till now?
  3. If you could earn advertising fees by advertising for anything, what would it be?
  4. What do you like most about your job?
  5. Do you find something wrong with your work? What is it?
  6. What was your first job? How did you like it?
  7. Would you like to have a job or be an entrepreneur? 
  8. Are you a workaholic? If not, then what do you think about such people?
  9. What kind of work/job do you find most boring?
  10. Do you feel content with your current work?
  11. What are your future ambitions?
  12. Do you think a career is more important than family or the other way round?
  13. What is the most annoying thing or person around you?
  14. Would you prefer the fulfillment/self-satisfaction or the monetary benefits while choosing a job?
  15. Do you think education is important independently or is it only valuable in concern of a career?
  16. What did you want to be as a child? How do you see that profession now?
  17. Do you prefer a salary based job or commissioned one?
  18. What is your best professional decision until now?
  19. How do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  20. Would you let (support) your partner take bold career decisions in life or not?

Flirty Get to Know Me Questions 

Flirty Get to Know Me Questions
Flirty Get to Know Me Questions 

If things go well between you, your encounter may turn into a date. After all, you may get interested in the person. Even if not, positive flirting is healthy too. Rather, this lets you know about the person’s perspective towards love and other related spheres. So, if you find the things in full swing, you can simply go to these questions. 

  1. Have you ever kissed someone? When was it? How did you feel?
  2. Which is your most favorite body part?
  3. How was your first date like? Or else, how would you like it to be?
  4. Who was your first crush? 
  5. How would you tell a person that you are interested in him/her?
  6. What are the traits in a person that turns you on instantly?
  7. If you get to be in a relationship with anyone, who would he/she be?
  8. Would you ever like to have a romantic date with a person like me?
  9. How do you react when someone flirts with you?
  10. What are the traits that turn you off instantly?
  11. Have you ever been on any online dating app? 
  12. What is the most clever pick-up line you ever heard?
  13. How would you describe yourself in your online dating platform profile?
  14. What is the nickname you would like to give me?
  15. How do you describe your dream date?
  16. Are you a possessive person for your loved ones?
  17. Do you believe in love stories? Have you ever had one?
  18. What is the first thing that comes to your mind while thinking about your romantic partner?
  19. Have you ever moved forward in a romantic relationship? Or would you like to?
  20. Do you believe in soul mates?
Dreams Related All About Me Questions
Dreams Related All About Me Questions

Really, we are not the ones we show as sane selves. Deeper, we are the illogical beings who dream. And knowing someone is incomplete if you don’t know the dreams they have. So, jumpstart a deeper conversation by entering their dream world!

  1. If you were free to live anywhere in this world, what would be your preferred place?
  2. What are the first 3 things in your bucket list?
  3. If you had a magic stick, what would you do?
  4. What would you do if this is the last day of your life?
  5. If you get to meet anyone who ever lived on the earth, whom will you choose?
  6. What would you do if you had to choose between money and health?
  7. What is your deepest fear?
  8. What would you do if you had Aladdin’s magic lamp?
  9. How would you like to see the world in the next 100 years?
  10. If you had unlimited money in your bank account, how would you use it?
  11. What is the thing you would like to be if you are free to be whatever you want?
  12. Would you like to be immortal if you get an opportunity?
  13. What is one thing you would like to change in the world?
  14. If you had a time machine, where would you visit?
  15. Think that you can change any portion of your life, what would it be?
  16. Who is the person you would like to bring all happiness for?
  17. Do you prefer fame or money?
  18. If you can give something for a noble cause, what would it be?
  19. What is the one moment of your life that you want to relive?
  20. What aspect of your life do you find as a complete bliss?

Get to Know Me Questions which touches the Soul 

Touch the Soul
Touch the Soul

We all want deeper chats. And this is only possible when we go deeper into someone’s soul. This lets you know the values, principals, and other aspects of a person. Of course, this makes a conversation complete in a real sense. 

  1. Do you think crying is a sign of strength or weakness?
  2. Have you ever been in love with someone?
  3. Who has done the biggest sacrifice for you in life? What was it?
  4. Have you shown self-compassion in the hard times?
  5. Are you a karma believer or do you believe in destiny?
  6. What do you think is the real accomplishment of life?
  7. Do you think a relationship is more subtle or physical?
  8. Why do you love your favorite person?
  9. If you can change one thing in your life, what is it?
  10. When was the last time you had a hearty laugh? What was the reason?
  11. Do you believe in people easily? Are you satisfied with your this trait?
  12. What is the biggest regret of your life?
  13. How would you define success?
  14. If you can rewrite a page of your life, what would it be?
  15. What makes you proud of being a human?
  16. Do you believe in magic?
  17. What or who is your inspiration? Why so?
  18. Are you satisfied with your life till now?
  19. What is the biggest possession or the most precious thing of your life?
  20. What is the thing in your life you are really thankful for?

Get to Know Me Questions to Know His/Her Personality

Questions to Know His/Her Personality
Questions to Know His/Her Personality

While trying to know someone, knowing his/her personality is a basic curiosity. In fact, this makes his/her choices, preferences, and decisions visible. So, with the right questions, you can make the person reveal his/her true identity without even realizing it.

  1. Which sense (vision, touch, hearing, smell, taste) would you keep if you could have only one?
  2. Would you love yourself if you were another person?
  3. What is the biggest quality in any person according to you?
  4. If you have to describe yourself as an animal, which would it be?
  5. What is your one dirty secret?
  6. Are you rude honest or a modest liar?
  7. What do you think makes a person cool?
  8. Do you believe that love can happen twice?
  9. What is the one thing that makes your best friend ‘best’?
  10. If you had superpowers, how would you use it?
  11. Whom do you admire more – a hero or a villain? Why so?
  12. What is the trait you miss that was in your childhood self?
  13. Do you easily get annoyed? Or what do you find most annoying?
  14. If you could have only one to be alive, what would you choose – sleep or food?
  15. Would you like to spend your time with your family or your friends?
  16. What is the one thing that you find worth in your education after all the degrees are lost?
  17. How do you want yourself to be remembered after your death?
  18. If you could change a real historic event, what would you change?
  19. What are the 3 things that you would like to unlearn?
  20. What calms you down instantly? Does it always work?

Interesting Get to Know Me Questions 

Interesting Get to Know Me Questions
Interesting Get to Know Me Questions

It is always interesting to know about a person’s life and personality. But what about those hidden faces he/she have? Or else, the interesting aspects of their life? Yes! Asking these unconventional ‘get to know me questions’ can make your way for this. Here are these –

  1. Do you prefer walking on a rain-wet ground or a dry one? Does it include puddles?
  2. Are you immediate water in the morning or do you keep snoozing the alarm? Or else, do you wake up without even an alarm?
  3. Do you have faith in the concept of rebirth or afterlife?
  4. Are you a serious health-conscious person or an ignorant one in regards to health?
  5. What do you think about the famous mythical creatures like Unicorn, Phoenix, Kàpà, etc.? Which one do you find most fascinating?
  6. Are you allergic to something? What is it?
  7. When was the last time you had your heart out crying? What was the reason?
  8. Do you think yourself good with long term memory? Is there something little that you remember even after so many years?
  9. What would you prefer – home on the hills or on an island?
  10. According to you, what is more, meaningful or essential – war or peace?
  11. Would you like to have a long life or a short one? Why so?
  12. If you get an option to choose between a famous celebrity or a next-door person to be in a relationship, whom would you choose?
  13. Have you ever had a strong crush on someone too older or younger to you?
  14. Suppose you are in a mysterious place where you can have all the happiness you want. But you can be there alone. Would you prefer this or would go for a normal life?
  15. Are you more into traveling or do you easily get homesick? Is there any such incident?
  16. Have you ever slept at a weird time and place? What happened then?
  17. Do you believe in paranormal things like spirits, teleportation, etc. ?
  18. What do you think about life outside the earth? Do you think humans as the most intelligent species or do you believe in the concept of an equally or more advanced alien life?
  19. Do you cry watching emotional movies or reading such books? What do you think about this trait of yours?
  20. What would you do if one day you wake up and find yourself in the parallel world? Do you believe in this theory of parallel world?

Random Get to Know Me Questions 

Random Questions
Random Questions

When you are in tune with each other, random questions can add a flavor to the conversation. This lets you know each other better. So, here are some additional questions on the list to make things smoother for you!

  1. If you’re given a million dollars cheque today, how would you spend it?
  2. What are your favorite communication exercises for couples?
  3. Which is your favorite smell?
  4. Have you ever slept under a starry sky? How did it feel?
  5. Do you believe in ghosts?
  6. When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone?
  7. Which book, story, poem, movie or quotes do you find really inspiring?
  8. What is your favorite technology in today’s era? Can you imagine a life without this technology?
  9. Are you interested in any form of art? What is it and why do you like it?
  10. In times of conflict, do you assume positive intent? Or do you tend to judge or mistrust people instantly?
  11. Do you have a pet? Or have you ever had a pet? What was it?
  12. Are you happy today? Why or why not so?
  13. Which animal, insect, or reptile do you find most creepy? How do you feel if it is somewhere around you?
  14. Are you an assertive person with bossy traits? Or are you just opposite?
  15. Do you find modesty as a form of internal weakness? Why or why not so? Does this include your belief upon violence or non-violence?
  16. What is a specific part of the day when you find yourself most vulnerable or emotionally volatile?
  17. Are you into following a disciplinary pre-planned schedule or do you work as per your will, mood, and the situation?
  18. Do you have faith in paramedical treatment ways like acupuncture, reiki, etc.?
  19. If you have to describe yourself in 5 words, what will be these? 
  20. Do you feel alone, non-existent, or lost in the crowd? Or do you find it full of life and fun?

Q&A Questions Get to Know Me

Gone are the days of boring bland yes-no questions. For an exciting conversation, you need to ask great questions that can elicit great answers. Plus, these kinds of questions are often amazing conversation starters. Especially, when you want to have a kickstart without that dramatic monologue on weather. 

201. What is the one thing about you that you know is true but you don’t want to accept it? 

202. If you could choose between being poor with your friends or a lonely rich person, what would you choose?

203. What is your one weird trait that is unique to you?

204. As a child, what was the one thing that made you super proud?

205. Have you ever secretly heard someone else’s conversation? When was it?

206. What one thing, according to you, is taken in a very wrong way in general? So, what is your take for it? 

207. Tell about your favorite family ritual that was a part of your childhood and you miss it now.

208. What do you like better – writing or typing?

209. If you could bring a big change in the natural traits of humankind, what would you do?

210. What one sound really irritates you?

211. Do you think you can easily survive anywhere in the world if your basic necessities are met? Why or why not?

212. Who is the one person you hated a lot at first but eventually started liking them?

213. While buying an outfit, what matters more for you – comfort or looks?

214. What is the one thing that you have used today that you can abandon for the rest of your life if you have to? 

215. Suppose you are a character of a fiction novel. Would you like to be the main lead with a sad ending or a side character with a satisfactory ending? 

Get to Know Me Better Questions

Not all questions are helpful in understanding a person. While most of the questions are good for an entertaining pass time, only a few are there which can make you know someone better. Here’s the list of those questions. 

216. What are the three emotions that define you most? 

217. So, what is the one thing for which you are absolutely greedy? 

218. Who is the person in your life you find yourself most comfortable with?

219. According to you, in a situation of crisis, what type of person can survive best?

220. Do you think morals are static or dynamic?

221. What is the one thing that you used to love as a child but no more like it?

222. How comfortable are you in your skin on a scale of 1-10?

223. Okay, how would you spend time if you were teleported to the previous century?

224. What makes your favorite restaurant your favorite?

225. How often do you cry? Like in a day, month, year?

226. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or, maybe someone in the third category?

227. What is your first reaction when you get angry?

228. Do you think possessiveness in a relationship is romantic or horrible?

229. What one imaginary character are you jealous of?

Get to Know Me Tag Deep Questions

Tired of short talks? Well, here are the questions that will help you in sinking deep. Let’s dive deeper.

230. Who are the people in your life you’re comfortable crying with?

231. What was the weakest phase of your life?

232. How often do you fake your smile on a scale of 1-10?

233. Do you think life really gives second chances?

234. What one incident in your life do you consider as a perfect twist of a thriller fiction? 

235. Do you believe in magic?

236. Have you ever met someone in which you can see a reflection of your own?

237. If given another chance, would you still like to be born to lead a life just like now?

238. What is the biggest guilt of your life?

239. Have you ever felt something strange or unique that you never felt again?

240. What is the biggest regret of your life?

241. If one morning you wake to find two suns in the sky, how would you react?

242. Do you think human’s lives matter more than other animals? Why or why not?

243. If you could change your words from the past, when would it be?

244. Do you think science is an addiction in the 21st century?

Questions about Me or All about Me Questions

These questions are pretty plain and straight. Perfect when you want to know everything in general about a person without making things too dramatic. From family members to other mostly asked questions, that covers all about a person. 

245. Is this your real and complete name?

256. Where do you belong to?

257. What is the meaning of your name?

258. How many family members are there in your family?

259. Do you know any other language apart from English?

260. What do you do to earn your living?

Quiz Questions about Me

Now, when you are done with those simple get-to-know-me questions, you probably would look for something more fun. Basically, these quiz questions are the questions you can easily ask in the first meeting without restricting to the basic ones. Here we go.

261. What is the color of your eyes?

262. Okay, what are your biggest pet peeves?

263. How would you describe your physical features?

264. Do you have any piercings in your body?

265. What is your all time favorite drink?

266. Do you have any tattoos? Or, would you like to have one? 

267. What do you consider the most important incident of your life till now?

268. Tell your favorite ice cream flavor without telling its name.

269. If you had to describe your face to a blind person, how would you do it?

270. What do you like more – fiction books or self-help books?

271. Which snack is your absolute favorite?

272. Who is your favorite author and what makes them your favorite?

273. Are you a ‘rom-com’ person or a ‘suspense thriller’ one?

274. Do you like fairy tales? Which one do you think is best?

275. Who is the person who can make you anything and everything?

Facts about Me Questions

Introducing yourself is often a tedious task? But you can always make it a bit less bland or tiring by producing a few facts about yourself. Yes. These facts or who knows me better questions are for you to supply points when you fumble telling about yourself.

276. What was the first profession you thought about taking in your life?

277. Do you believe in listening to your heart or listening to your brain?

278. What is the one realization of your life that shaped you as what you are?

279. How many nicknames do you have?                                  

280. What is your zodiac sign?

281. Tell about something you are always craving for. 

282. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your fashion sense?

283. What was your best GPA in highschool?

284. And what was your worst mark or grade ever? In which subject?

285. What is your favorite worst subject? Yes, favorite worst subject.

286. Tell about the three things that you love about your gender.

287. Do you like kids? 

288. What was the first movie you ever watched in the theatre?

289. Did you ever have a pet?

Fun Facts about Me Questions

Okay, we covered some facts to get to know someone. But what about some ‘fun facts’? Yes, it is different. Don’t believe it? Here, explore yourself.

290.What is the weirdest version of your name you have ever heard?

291.Define your all time mood in one word.

292. What was the last youtube video you have watched?

293. Tell about your three bad habits that you never plan to leave.

294. What is your one peculiar food habit that sounds like crazy?

295. Tell me about one thing that makes you feel paranoid.

Questions to Ask People about Me

Not every time you need to ask questions that are about other people. Infact, asking questions about you helps a lot in understanding the other person’s view about you. And it’s really interesting more often than not. Let’s shoot!

296. What is my one personality trait that stands out most?

297. Can you guess my profession?

298. How often do I curse or use slang in everyday conversation?

299. Do you think I would snore?

300. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate my sense of humor?

301.How likely am I to be a psychopath, on a scale of 1-10, according to you?

302.What is the one thing that you always wanted to tell me but never did?

303. According to you, what would be my animal spirit?

304. Have you ever found me scary?

305. Am I intimidating or bossy sometimes?

306. Which marvel hero matches best with my personality?

307. Do you think I am more of a hot mess or a cool nerd?

308. Can you describe my good habits in three words?

309. Besides, can you describe my bad habits in three words?

310. If you could change any one thing about me, what would it be?

311. Did you ever feel jealous of me?

312. On a scale of 1-10, how likely am I to be an alien?

313. What is the one relationship advice would you like to give me?

314. On a scale of 1-10, where do I stand in terms of being mature?

315. How often do you think I lie, on a scale of 1-10?

316. Do you think I am overconfident or under- confident?

317. What one trait do you think we share?

318. Can you tell me any rumors about me that you thought to be true then?

319. If you have to describe me to a stranger without telling my name, how would you do it?

All about Me Questions for Adults

Okay, here are some questions that you can ask yourself as well as others. The best thing, these questions always bring some wonderful insights that you might be ignoring. Be it about the other person or you. Let’s explore. 

320. At the end of the day, what makes you feel alive?

321. Do you have a special talent that no one knows about?

322. Have you ever had a fangirl/fanboy moment in life?

323. What is the one thing that annoys you a lot in daily life?

324.When was the first time you came to know about the concept of sex?

325. Do you feel motivated to wake up every morning?

326. If you could redo all your education, how would you like to do it?

327. What makes you respect someone?

328. Do you think you are giving your 100% in life?

329. Whom do you think about when you feel weakest?

330. Do you feel scared or nervous about the future?

331. Are you imaginative?

332. What did you want to do in your life when you were in school?

333. Is your love for someone quite visible? Or, is it difficult to recognize it?

334. What do you think is the most striking change in you in the recent years?

Trivia Questions about Me

Well, trivias is always on every damn list. And it’s worth it, no doubt. So, why leave the same when you need to get to know someone? The twist – trivia is about them.

335. Can you tell what your favorite word is? 

336. What was the address of your first mail-id?

337. Which place in the world do you think of as your soul-place?

338. When did you have your ‘the talk’ with your guardian? 

339. Tell me about one superstition you believe in.

340. What is the one song that is actually weird but you like it?

341. Can you tell me about the last text message you sent to your best friend?

342. What is the weirdest illness you ever had?

343. When did you have your first love?

344. What is your favorite cuss word?

345. Can you sing a complete song with perfect lyrics without a single fumble? 

346. Are you good at recognizing faces or remembering names? Or, maybe neither?

347. What one weird habit you have that you do with your body involuntarily? 

348. Did you ever bunk your class? When was it? 

349. What one misdeed you avoided as a teenager that you regret not doing now?

True or False Questions about Me

When your random conversation is in full swing and things are going well, true/false questions are bound to pop up. After all, they are often so witty and entertaining. Right? So, here are some for you. 

350. Have you ever trolled someone or left a mean comment online?

351. Did you ever stalk someone on social media? 

352. Have you ever had an intimate moment with a stranger?

353. Do you think before you say? 

354. You are a neat or hygienic person – true or false?

355. Eating like a pig is something you enjoy – true or false?

356. Never have you ever had a ‘hands up’ punishment in class – true or false?

357. You have re-gifted a present you received from someone – true or false.

358. Never have you ever skipped a shower for 1 week straight – true or false?

359. Have you ever stuck gum on someone’s body as a prank?

360. You have spread a rumor about someone – true or false?

361. Have you ever despised the person whom your best friend was dating?

362. You lied about your relationship status – true or false?

363. Never have you ever pretended to like something that you actually don’t due to peer pressure – true or false?

364. Have you ever had a perfect sexual encounter?

Questions for Friends about Me

In a mood to test your friend’s knowledge about you? Well, that’s an exciting idea for sure! Firstly, this is funny and interesting. Besides, it often opens a box of some surprising revelations about each other. 

365. What do I always carry in my bag?

366. Do you know what my favorite pizza toppings are?

367. If I would ever get a tattoo, where would it be?

368. What is my ideal type in a romantic relationship?

369. Am I more a ‘spend money’ person or a ‘save money’ one?

370. What is the size of my shoes?

371. Am I more likely to run away or to face it if a ghost turns up?

372. Who was my first crush?

373. What is my favorite outfit?

374. Do you remember any of my dumb moments? 

375. Whom do I love most in my life?

376. Do you think I would enjoy a visit to a horror house?

377. What is my favorite candy flavor?

378. Do you know anyone who has a crush on me?

379. What is my favorite movie genre?

Random Facts About Me Questions

When talking to someone for a long time, that one moment often strikes when you’re done with deep questions. All you want is some this and that to know each other better but without the load. In those moments, you can ask these random questions. Either you can let them guess it for you. Or, let them share about themselves. Both ways are interesting. 

380. Who is your secret celebrity crush?

381. Are you a casual sneakers person or a designer footwear one?

382. What is your favorite type of music?

383. Tell me about something you always wanted to learn. 

384. What is your wildest food fantasy?

385. One thing about you that you often prefer lying about?

386. Do you have any birthmarks? Where is it?

387. Any one word, phrase, or expression that you use a lot?

388. What is your favorite color?

389. One thing that you are thinking about now in the back of your mind?

390. Who is the someone you are missing now?

391. Do you keep your wardrobe over-filled or minimalist?

392. Have you ever proposed to someone?

393. What makes you a scary person?

394. How often do you look into a mirror?

All about Me Questions for Kids

Kids are almost always ready with their list of questions. So, how about preparing a list of questions to ask them? Yes, let’s turn the table! These all about me questions for kids will be really helpful. Firstly, it encourages them to share and express themselves. Secondly, it helps improve their vocabulary, knowledge, cognitive behavior, etc. And lastly, it helps you connect with them effortlessly. Here we go.

395. What is your favorite hobby?

396. Can you tell me something about your friend?

397. If you could eat one thing for the whole day, what would it be?

398. Which animal would you like to see live?

399. Have you ever smelled a flower? So, how would you describe that smell?

400. Who is the one person whose cuddles you love?

401. What is your favorite toy?

402. Do you know the full names of your parents?

403. Who is the smartest person you have ever met?

404. What is your favorite cartoon character?

405. If you could paint the sky in any color, which color would you choose?

406. Are you afraid of something? What is it?

407. When was the last time you got angry? And why so?

408. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

All about Me Questions for Students

Get to know me, questions are not limited to social media or a casual meet chat. It can be a great medium to connect with others. And if you’re a teacher, you must be aware of how crucial it is to break the ice with your students over some get to know me questions. 

409. What are your expectations from this class?

410. Which is your favorite subject in school?

411. Tell me about one thing that you would like to change about your school.

412. What mode of learning do you prefer most – online or offline?

413. Do you prefer self-study or study under a guide?

414. What are the three things that make a class boring for you?

415. Tell me about the three things that make a class interesting for you.

416. What are the major distractions you face while you’re studying?

417. Do you think competition in class is good?

418. What are the three things you expend in a teacher for a productive class?

419. Do you think exams are good? Can you suggest any alternative to exams?

420. What extracurricular activities do you like?

421. Do you feel that you are heard enough in class? If not, what are the things that make it difficult for you to communicate in class?

422. What do you think is your biggest strength?

423. Do you think you give your best in academics? Why or why not?

Get to Know You Professional Questions 

Are you somewhere in a professional situation? Besides, looking for ideas about professionals to get to know your questions? Well, this list is perfectly curated for you. Questions that are good to break ice at a workplace setting –

424. At what age did you start working?

425. What was your first job about? Did you like it? 

426. How do you like to start your day? And what about the ending?

427. Which industry do you work in? 

428. Do you think you are comfortable with the corporate world?

429. What is your field of interest apart from the one you work in?

430. Tell about three of your skills that you find most useful at work.

431. Have you ever had a mentor in your career?

432.What is the one achievement in your work profile that you would like to share?

433. How do you manage your work-life balance?

434. What do you prefer – working at the workplace or working from home? 

435. Who is admiringly the most professional person among your colleagues? Also, why do you think so?

436. What are your career goals for the next 5 years?

437. Is there any productivity hack that you would like to share?

438. What one financial advice you ever got that turned out to be very useful?

Light Casual Questions to Get to Know Someone

439. Which one color is absolutely absent in your wardrobe? Have you wondered why?

440. How often do you eat out?

441. Are you a sweet tooth or spice lover?

442. Do you like superhero movies? Why or why not?

443. Are you an android user or an iphone one?

444. Which color do you like more for your outfits – black or red?

445. Are you interested in any kind of outdoor activities? What are they?

456. When was the last time you got a gift for someone?

447. Do you like it more indoors or outdoors?

448. Generally, how much time do you spend on your looks?

449. What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?

450. Have you ever had a personal diary?

451. Are you vegan or not?

452. What one conspiracy theory do you secretly believe in?

Questions to Know Someone’s Hidden Face

Right questions can bring out right answers. More often than not, this turns out true. Especially because people tend to say a lot about themselves unintentionally than to say it clearly when asked. So, here are some questions that might let people show their hidden shades and let you see through their personality.

453. If you could see any one thing about a person written on their forehead, what would you choose?

454. Do you think that every day brings a different experience or is it the continuation of the same experience?

455. What side do you believe in the ‘nature vs nurture’ debate?

456. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love yourself?

457. Do you like it when you get lots of birthday wishes or do you find it overwhelming?

458. On a scale of 1-10. How much do you hate yourself?

459. Suppose someone tells you that your partner has cheated on you. Would you believe in it or not?

460. Do you think it is better to tell a big truth that might hurt someone or hide it to keep them happy?

461. How do you express your emotions when you are upset?

462. What is your way of expressing your happiness?

463. According to you, what matters most – the past or the future?

464. Have you ever had a thought which made you feel guilty afterwards?

Get to Know Me Questions to Ask Someone You Like 

Is there someone who can make you feel butterflies in your stomach? And you want to know more about them. But the thing is – you’re clueless about where and how to begin. If that is the case with you, here’s the perfect list that will guide you. 

465. What do you look for in a relationship?

466. Do you believe in love at first sight?

467. If someone likes you, how would you like to get this confession from them?

468. When was the last time you felt truly loved in a romantic relationship?

469. What can I do now to make your heart flutter?

470. Do you think you can guess it correctly if someone is romantically interested in you?

471. What is your fantasy couple moment?

472. Do you think marriage is the next step of love?

473. How do you show that you are interested in someone romantically?

474. Did you ever fall for someone? 

475. What is the one thing you find strangely attractive?

476. How would you react if I suddenly tell you that I like you?

477. What do you think is better – being friends before lovers or vice versa?

Unconventional Questions to Know Someone

So, are you ready for some out-of-the-box questions that can spark conversation like never before? Without wasting another moment, let’s dive into these?

478. What is the one thing that you believe you need to get off? 

479. Do you feel safe with people you’re mostly surrounded with?

480. If you could tell your life story in three sentences, what would it be?

481. What is your one flaw that makes you unique?

482. Do you think you have accepted yourself fully?

483. What would you do if one day you wake up to find yourself in someone else’s body?

484. Do you want magic to be real or not?

485. If you could meet your younger self, do you think s/he would be happy seeing you in your current situation?

486. Do you think someone’s life partner and soulmate can be two different persons?

487. Are you comfortable in stepping out of your comfort zone?

488. If you get a chance to remove the regret of the past and the worry of the future by always staying completely in the present always, would you take it?

‘What If’ Get to Know Me Questions 

Getting to know someone does not need to be limited to some predictable aspects. How about going further to some crazy weird hypothetical ‘what if’ questions that spice up things? Well, we got you covered. 

489. If you could exchange your one personality trait from someone else’s, what would it be? 

490. What if what you are experiencing now is a mere dream and the world is the reality?

491. If you could either remember the memory of the last time you cried or that of the last time you smiled, which one would you choose?

492. What if one day you wake up in a place you have never been even without your phone or money? So, what would you do?

493. If you get the power of not feeling any kind of pain for a day, what would you do?

494. What if you wake up finding your home on fire? You can only save things that you can carry with yourself within five minutes. What will you save?

495. If you could get a chance for reincarnation of your choice, what would it be?

496. What if you get an opportunity to meet your doppelganger and exchange your lives for a month? So, will you go?

497. If you could get your three wishes fulfilled in exchange of any three possessions you love, what would you do?

498. What if you could only keep one memory of your life? So, which one would you choose?

499. If you had a warning sign on your head, what would it be about?

500. What if your all imaginations could turn into reality? In that case, if you had a choice, would you take this power?

Very well! You completed the list. But you are surely free to make your own get to know me questions that work quite well. Now, let’s explore its other aspects!

Advantages of ‘Get to Know Me Questions’

Okay, you are armed with cues for your next meeting. But you might be curious how knowing these ‘get to know me questions’ can be beneficial. No worries. We’re here with the answer –

  1. Chances of a positive and healthy conversation are higher.
  2. Things go smoother as compared to the random questions.
  3. You can get a clear idea about yourself or someone. This lets you make the right decision regarding your next move towards the person.
  4. It can be useful in having a productive conversation or communication. This is high result-yielding in various life spheres.
  5. This is a really fun trend. So, you can connect with more people easily by participating in this social media challenge.

How to Answer Get to Know Me Questions?

Now, you are aware of the best get to know me questions to ask a person when you get the chance. But, chances are high that you may find yourself in the answering seat too. Especially, in regard to the popular social media get to me tag questions. 

So, here are some quick tips for you –

  1. Don’t over-explain, brag, or exaggerate. To sum up, keep things simple.
  2. Overall, try to be as truthful as possible. 
  3. But don’t let yourself flow in the tune. 
  4. Importantly. answer questions wisely. 
  5. Clearly, don’t speak up something that you will regret later.

Now, before wrapping up, it is good to have some additional tips that will help you master this art of conversation!

Additional Tips for ‘Questions About Me’

Follow these tips while asking those ‘get to know me questions’ to a person –

  1. Don’t rush or get impatient. 
  2. Besides, be wise in the selection of questions. For instance, if the person you are with is your senior or anyone as such, flirting can be harmful. Also, if the introduction is too young, asking too personal questions can be annoying.
  3. Give them enough time to share.
  4. LISTEN! Now, this means, don’t just nod your head when you’re lost inside. Briefly, take a REAL interest in the conversation.
  5. Participate actively in the conversation. In short, don’t be a wall someone is speaking to.
  6. Keep things light. Moreover, don’t overdo it. This means, don’t be an interviewer. It should be natural and smooth. 

Final Thoughts on ‘Questions About Me’

‘Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge.’

– Wilson Kanadi

We often judge people without knowing about them. Thus, either we believe in the wrong people or mistrusts the right. But with these right ‘get to know me questions’, you can have a wise move. 

So, you can understand people before jumping to conclusions. Also, this is a fun way to get in tune with others while asking the right questions at the right time. Now, your turn!