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200+ Whos Most Likely to Questions for Kids – the only list you’ll ever need!

200+ Whos Most Likely to Questions for Kids – the only list you’ll ever need!

Updated on Oct 11, 2022

200+ Whos Most Likely to Questions for Kids – The Only List You’ll Ever Need!

So, you’re here looking for some whos most likely to questions for kids, because then we have all the fun questions about whether you want to entertain your kids’ friends at their birthday party or let them steal the show!

Here you’ll find all sorts of questions you need to make all the kids roar in excitement or settle down in anticipation.

So, let’s explore and pick the best ones for the bundles of joys…

Good Whos Most Likely To Questions for kids

Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, you know the kids are total flawless angels like a clean slate with no speck of dirt on them. They always deserve everything good, so entertain them with these…

  1. Who’s most likely to finish eating their ice cream first?
  2. Who’s most likely to have a dirty room?
  3. Who’s most likely to be a Presidential candidate?
  4. Who’s most likely to win WWE?
  5. Who’s most likely to be the loudest of the lot?
  6. Who’s most likely to eat chocolate from breakfast to dinner?
  7. Who’s most likely to spend the entire day in bed?
  8. Who’s most likely to talk with their pets more than their friends?
  9. Who’s most likely to live on hot dogs forever?
  10. Who’s most likely to dance to any kind of song?
  11. Who’s most likely to build a whole gingerbread house all alone?
  12. Who’s most likely to be the early bird?
  13. Who’s most likely to be a night owl?
  14. Who’s most likely to always win in Hide and Seek?
  15. Who’s most likely to stealthily finish all the cookies in the cupboard?
  16. Who’s most likely to eat whatever they’re given?
  17. Who’s most likely to want to time travel?
  18. Who’s most likely to forget their tasks?
  19. Who’s most likely to be the trendsetter?
  20. Who’s most likely to be the most afraid of ghosts?

If anybody is feeling low or bored among the kids, they might brew up trouble! Beware and take charge right away of the questions down here…

Funny Who is Most Likely To Questions for kids

If your child wants to win more hearts during games period or just wants to get the entire class roaring with laughter, explore this list of fun questions…

  1. Who’s most likely to make the funniest face?
  2. Who’s most likely to pull off a funny hairstyle well?
  3. Who’s most likely to make different tricks with their tongue?
  4. Who’s most likely to swing a weapon at a ghost?
  5. Who’s most likely to get robbed and rob back the robber?
  6. Who’s most likely to bite the vampire that bit them?
  7. Who’s most likely to carry garlic just in case a vampire is luring?
  8. Who’s most likely to be the most scared of hearing noises at night?
  9. Who’s most likely to play a prank and be pranked instead?
  10. Who’s most likely to come out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck on them?
  11. Who’s most likely to be a stand-up comedian?
  12. Who’s most likely to call a romantic movie tacky?
  13. Who’s most likely to seem like they hate the romance genre but secretly want to date?
  14. Who’s most likely to sleepwalk to their parent’s room?
  15. Who’s most likely to be a teacher’s worst nightmare?
  16. Who’s most likely to scare everyone else?
  17. Who’s most likely to eat their food fast lest others want them to share?
  18. Who’s most likely to throw the ball in their own team’s basket?
  19. Who’s most likely to travel to another city for their favorite food?
  20. Who’s most likely to wear the craziest clothes and still look great?

But, if you just want to throw a bit of a challenge to your little prodigies from now on and help them deal with different and unexpected situations in life, scroll down!

Challenging Most likely To Questions for kids

Kids always act as if they know better… and we all want them to be their best version, So, why not teach them to be good judges of character right away? Let’s slowly make them the better people that our society needs…

  1. Who’s most likely to forget to feed the pet?
  2. Who’s most likely to get away with their crimes?
  3. Who’s most likely to be sad right now?
  4. Who’s most likely to be the happiest right now?
  5. Who’s most likely to have great leadership skills?
  6. Who’s most likely to be the best secret keeper?
  7. Who’s most likely to be not able to keep secrets?
  8. Who’s most likely to go outside even during thunderstorms?
  9. Who’s most likely to yell instead of talking calmly?
  10. Who’s most likely to know everything about computers?
  11. Who’s most likely to know a lot about barns and farming?
  12. Who’s most likely to spend their entire time helping their parents and teachers?
  13. Who’s most likely to get into an internet comment section fight?
  14. Who’s most likely to wear the shoes on the wrong foot?
  15. Who’s most likely to wear their clothes inside out and not notice?
  16. Who’s most likely to gossip about others?
  17. Who’s most likely to backstab?
  18. Who’s most likely to get excited for Christmas since Halloween?
  19. Who’s most likely to regift their own present?
  20. Who’s most likely to put a place on fire?

Is it too early to prepare them for the world? Ahh, my bad, I should’ve known that. In this case, let’s try to awaken their interest with some cool questions here…

Interesting Who’s Most Likely To Questions for kids

While your little dumplings pretend-play to be adults and are totally unaware of the real-life struggles, why don’t we entertain them with a round of interesting conversations with a questions game? I promise it’ll jog their minds here…

  1. Who’s most likely to eat something nasty for a dare?
  2. Who’s most likely to eat raw food?
  3. Who’s most likely to like pizza with pineapple toppings?
  4. Who’s most likely to be a chef secretly?
  5. Who’s most likely to get embarrassed publicly?
  6. Who’s most likely to be shy in front of new people?
  7. Who’s most likely to fake their death to skip work?
  8. Who’s most likely to bite nails when they’re nervous?
  9. Who’s most likely to throw a tantrum when they’re hungry?
  10. Who’s most likely to do makeup when they’re bored?
  11. Who’s most likely to have a habit of cracking joints?
  12. Who’s most likely to forget brushing their teeth?
  13. Who’s most likely to wish to live in a big house all alone?
  14. Who’s most likely to have the most followers on social media?
  15. Who’s most likely to binge-watch all their favorite shows during their summer vacation?
  16. Who’s most likely to game all day long?
  17. Who’s most likely to play with their hair subconsciously?
  18. Who’s most likely to overspend their pocket money?
  19. Who’s most likely to save all their money and have the most balance?
  20. Who’s most likely to skip breakfast?

Are your kids too quiet? Aww, aren’t they the most obedient bunch! If you want them to become a bit livelier and make some noise, let’s get down…

Exciting Whos Most Likely To Questions for kids

If the kids ask for real fun and feel bored of the previous list of questions, I won’t allow you to settle for anything less exciting. Here, grab all that the kids need…

  1. Who’s most likely to be a bad detective?
  2. Who’s most likely to be a terrible cop?
  3. Who’s most likely to be a heartbreaker?
  4. Who’s most likely to be prom king or queen?
  5. Who’s most likely to attract animals?
  6. Who’s most likely to befriend anywhere they go?
  7. Who’s most likely to not talk much?
  8. Who’s most likely to never run out of stories?
  9. Who’s most likely to pick up stray animals all the time?
  10. Who’s most likely to be given the most food by adults?
  11. Who’s most likely to always have a stash of candies?
  12. Who’s most likely to own lots of board games?
  13. Who’s most likely to become a pro gamer someday?
  14. Who’s most likely to start getting ready around the meeting time?
  15. Who’s most likely to dream about being a billionaire by selling Pokémon cards?
  16. Who’s most likely to be afraid of dogs?
  17. Who’s most likely to be an undercover alien?
  18. Who’s most likely to be a secret agent from a different nation?
  19. Who’s most likely to act like a Grinch at any festival?
  20. Who’s most likely to be the Teacher’s pet?

Do these questions seem too general to you? If you want something unique for the kids and to impress your friends, let’s help you out here…

Creative Whos Most Likely To Questions for kids

Creativity for kids and adults isn’t quite the same. Their mind is much more unique with different colors and aspirations. So, let’s see what they think of each other here…

  1. Who’s most likely to score the best in mathematics at any time?
  2. Who’s most likely to be a prodigy in English?
  3. Who’s most likely to build a side hustle when they grow up?
  4. Who’s most likely to become a TV show star?
  5. Who’s most likely to win a Grammy and cry about it?
  6. Who’s most likely to make a million dollars fast?
  7. Who’s most likely to work in the medical world?
  8. Who’s most likely to work in the army?
  9. Who’s most likely to become a supermodel?
  10. Who’s most likely to move away from a big city because they got disturbed while studying by city noise?
  11. Who’s most likely to become a dentist?
  12. Who’s most likely to perform the best in all subjects?
  13. Who’s most likely to hate studying?
  14. Who’s most likely to think studies are a conspiracy against kids?
  15. Who’s most likely to become a musician?
  16. Who’s most likely to be a singing teacher?
  17. Who’s most likely to have a unique hidden talent?
  18. Who’s most likely to use their talents as their side hustle?
  19. Who’s most likely to fall in love with the books?
  20. Who’s most likely to fall asleep during class?

Do you want to check how brainy your kids are? Oh, don’t worry, I won’t make them solve calculus… because I hated it too! But we can test them with the game…

Clever Whos Most Likely To Questions for kids

Your kids might be innocent, but they are no fools. Instead, they might be even more clever than you or I were ever at their age. So, let’s check how your kids respond to these clever questions here…

  1. Who’s most likely to solve any mathematics question right now?
  2. Who’s most likely to wish to marry royalty?
  3. Who’s most likely to wish to become a knight?
  4. Who’s most likely to create a music band?
  5. Who’s most likely to listen to the pop genre?
  6. Who’s most likely to hide their age to sneak into an adult’s space?
  7. Who’s most likely to know small tricks to get over a cold?
  8. Who’s most likely to apply quicker methods to solve math problems?
  9. Who’s most likely to know a lot of science experiments?
  10. Who’s most likely to perform magic tricks?
  11. Who’s most likely to build their own ice cream business in the future?
  12. Who’s most likely to build a soft toy business?
  13. Who’s most likely to desire to be a princess?
  14. Who’s most likely to convince their parents into changing their minds?
  15. Who’s most likely to name almost any flower?
  16. Who’s most likely to own lots of pets?
  17. Who’s most likely to be a friend of fairies?
  18. Who’s most likely to be the greatest fan of any superhero?
  19. Who’s most likely to be the greatest fan of any villain?
  20. Who’s most likely to be Santa’s best kid?

However, if you want to help the kids bond among themselves, show them the value of friendship and love right from this instant and help them become outstanding people later with these questions…

Friendly Whos Most Likely To Questions

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts of life, so it’s important to teach the kids to cherish each other from a tender age. Prevent them from losing precious bonds by being more aware of these bonds here

  1. Who’s most likely to spend all their money to help their friends?
  2. Who’s most likely to win the lottery and donate it to the needy?
  3. Who’s most likely to save you before themselves in a zombie apocalypse?
  4. Who’s most likely to reassure you when you feel scared to watch a horror movie?
  5. Who’s most likely to beat a friend’s bully?
  6. Who’s most likely to stop a bullying incident?
  7. Who’s most likely to allow you to copy their homework?
  8. Who’s most likely to lend you any stationery you need during an exam?
  9. Who’s most likely to teach you a subject if you’re weak at it?
  10. Who’s most likely to always remember your birthday?
  11. Who’s most likely to always update you on classwork and homework if you missed class?
  12. Who’s most likely to feel the saddest when you miss school?
  13. Who’s most likely to feel lonely when you’re missing playtime?
  14. Who’s most likely to always want to pair up with you in group activities?
  15. Who’s most likely to listen to you even when the group ignores you?
  16. Who’s most likely to motivate you during the worst?
  17. Who’s most likely to remember your favorite meal?
  18. Who’s most likely to eat a huge portion of your favorite meal?
  19. Who’s most likely to willingly give you their favorite food because you also like it?
  20. Who’s most likely to call or visit you when you’re sick?

Are your kids troublemakers? Do they even snitch on each other? That’s great because they’ll love to tell you more about each other here…

Naughty Whos Most Likely To Questions

If you know the kids are naughty but don’t know who is exactly responsible for the trouble, this round will calm them down and even help you become aware of their cute little tricks…

  1. Who’s most likely to pick on their food?
  2. Who’s most likely to tell you to bunk classes?
  3. Who’s most likely to bring you ice cream when you crave them during a cold?
  4. Who’s most likely to pick veggies from their tiffin?
  5. Who’s most likely to forget about their homework?
  6. Who’s most likely to ask for your homework?
  7. Who’s most likely to forget to pack their toys?
  8. Who’s most likely to play in the mud against the adults’ instructions?
  9. Who’s most likely to get grounded frequently?
  10. Who’s most likely to sweet talk others to have them on their side?
  11. Who’s most likely to play with food instead of eating them?
  12. Who’s most likely to pretend to be sick to skip school?
  13. Who’s most likely to always want treats in exchange for following rules?
  14. Who’s most likely to spill others’ secrets unintentionally?
  15. Who’s most likely to do exactly what they’re not supposed to do?
  16. Who’s most likely to forget their spellings?
  17. Who’s most likely to not follow class?
  18. Who’s most likely to eat during class?
  19. Who’s most likely to chat during class?
  20. Who’s most likely to make the most trouble?

But wait, there’s more… because your kids are the best, they deserve the best, and they need to know that, why not show them how great they are here…

Best Whos Most Likely To Questions

Every kid is a piece of miracle… a sparkling star in this world… and they need to know that! So, let’s make the kids decide who’s best in what and let them point out how amazing they feel each of them is here…

  1. Who’s most likely to get a Nobel Peace Prize?
  2. Who’s most likely to get rid of a Karen in the smartest way?
  3. Who’s most likely to act like a Karen to a real Karen?
  4. Who’s most likely to be a perfectionist?
  5. Who’s most likely to be the most sensitive of them all?
  6. Who’s most likely to seem innocent but isn’t innocent at all?
  7. Who’s most likely to accept anything for a dare?
  8. Who’s most likely to whisper loudly?
  9. Who’s most likely to be school captain?
  10. Who’s most likely to always skip PT class?
  11. Who’s most likely to pretend to be allergic to avoid veggies?
  12. Who’s most likely to oversleep every other day?
  13. Who’s most likely to eat nothing the entire day?
  14. Who’s most likely to ask for directions and still lose their way?
  15. Who’s most likely to be scared of ghosts under the bed?
  16. Who’s most likely to fall asleep the moment they hit the bed?
  17. Who’s most likely to procrastinate all the vacation but still complete all the assignments on time?
  18. Who’s most likely to be the angry one of the lot?
  19. Who’s most likely to be the kindest?
  20. Who’s most likely to move to the countryside?

Curious why your kids will feel interested in this game? Let’s head right in…

Why would the kids play the “Whos more likely to” question game?

Honestly speaking, if kids have fun and enjoy a game, they can play LITERALLY any game! (because they’re angels) But if your bunch is curious and wants to know if this game can help them in any way, let’s help you point them out…

1. It can help deal with their boredom

Kids are always bored… They always want to do something and feel entertained.  Of course, kids are also keen on literally any game that will keep them busy.

With the fun moments, they’ll feel cherished and loved together.

2. It helps them make friends

If your kid can play this questions game with their friends and become the cool kid of the lot. They can be one of the first kids to introduce the game to others.

When someone asks them where they learned it from, they can talk about how their cool parents taught them this trick.

3. They’ll have a great time during rainy or snowy days

Sometimes the weather doesn’t let your kids become the active little dreamers kicking in the field. They feel super depressed and this can be a total mood changer on gloomy days when they can’t step outside.

4. This can help them learn to communicate

Since the kids are still in their growth period, this is a great way to help them learn to communicate freely.

Your kid will get rid of any sort of social anxiety along with their friends. Though they won’t know of it right away, they’ll do it anyway.

5. This will help them understand their opinions matter

In the questions game, try to focus on every kid’s answer and ask them the reasons.

They’ll feel heard which will help them become confident adults in the near future that can take up great leadership roles and brighten the future.

A word from ThePleasantConversation

While playing this game, remember the main agenda is to entertain the kids. So, keep an eye out for any kid that isn’t excited about the game or seems sad. Take them out of the bunch and talk to them.

If any kid doesn’t want to answer a question, don’t force them to answer them by calling them a “spoiled sport”. This way you’ll also help them set and maintain healthy boundaries. And with this game, you’ll build them a healthy and loving foundation!